Latin Global Outreach

Mobilizing Latin American Missions 

The Vision of Latin Global Outreach

is to mobilize the Latin American church to intentionally engage in the Great Commission mandate, to significantly impact all people groups, and ultimately, bring glory to God!

We believe God has ignited a global mobilization movement in this time among Spanish-speaking believers to strategically ignite His Kingdom work through them.

LGO is led by Leticia "Letty" Acosta, who serves as Missions Mobilizer in La Paz, Mexico.
You may support LGO directly through the Commission Ministers Network

January 2025 Update

Letty has a heart-related medical issue that needs medical attention soon. Please be praying for her and contact us here >> if you would like to contribute directly towards her medical expenses. 

Meet Letty Acosta

LGO Missions Mobilizer

I am a Global Missions Mobilizer. My God-given role is to bring awareness to today’s believer on the vital and active role we are called to in the Great Commission Mandate. I created LATIN GLOBAL OUTREACH because I believe God has called me to Mexico to be an influence in Latin America. I do this through being an official Instructor for Perspectives Mexico. I have put that into practice here in La Paz, BCS, sharing and speaking in my local community on The Great Commission. There is now a small group meeting regularly that has become the first Mobilization Group in the city. I believe God will raise up the church of Latin America to actively participate in GC work around the world!