Keep On Praying

May 9, 2024 5:02 PM
"Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed fervently that it might not rain, and for three years and six months it did not rain on the earth. Then he prayed again, and heaven gave rain, and the earth bore its fruit." James 5:17-18 Keep on praying. Passionately. Purposefully. Fervently. When it comes to praying, I think many of us tend to limit ourselves and say things like, "I'm just little ol' me, God's got bigger things to take care of." So we pray small, we believe small, and we see small results. But, "Eljiah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed..." Happy. Sad. Ambitious. Indifferent. Thankful. Complaining. Positive. Negative. Energetic. Tired. Human. You see, God made prayer for humans. Women and men, boys and girls like us. Rich. Poor. Anonymous. Famous. Young. Old. Good. Bad. Human. Like Elijah, all of God's "heroes" in the Bible were human. They didn't always do the right things, say the right things, and trust God the right way. But God called them, worked through them, and did great things for His glory, whether they had it all together or not. Because God loves people. So much that He became one of us. Human. So, humans, we've been given the amazing gift of prayer. God invites us to approach His throne of grace, cast our cares on Him, make our requests known, and have the assurance that He will answer the right way and do exactly what we need, when we need it. So let's pray and keep on praying. Fervently. I'm praying for you. Thank you for praying for me too. Your fellow human, Keith *This blog post originally appeared in an email newsletter from River Community Church